Public Broadcasting Music Television provides an ongoing and commercial-free audio/video broadcast platform for artists from all cultures to virtually share their art to an international audience. The PBMTV platform is international community-driven programming that includes visual art, music, live stream events, education, comedy, drama, embodiment practices, healing workshops, experiential learning, and more. Gain access to our vast database of streaming content from our network of video streaming partners around the world directly from live events, artists, DJs, performers, and live-stream content providers through our Membership Program.
If you would like to provide a show to our weekly lineup, create an account and submit the Artist Application.
Support Public Broadcasting Music Television (PBMTV) by becoming a member.
These annual Membership Levels provide you with FULL ACCESS to Chat and Live Stream Programming 24/7 for the entire year.
We have memberships for every level of contributor. As a 501c3 (non-profit), we are able to offer tax-deductible donations to all of our contributors donating $250 or more per year.